Monday, September 21, 2020

Five-Minute Cardio Blast Workout at Home (Step by Step with Pictures)

Hi, I'm Johnny, This is the Five-Minute Cardio Blast Workout. Five minutes is all you need. Non-stop cardio to really torch some calories.

full body workout at home

Let's begin. We're going to start with skaters. Going this way. Ready and begin. Thirty seconds. Really push yourself. Five minutes is not a short amount of time if you really work hard. We're doing 30 seconds, then in between these seven exercises, just 15 seconds of nice easy jogging to recover. So you're moving nonstop. You have 12 additional seconds, at that point overall quite simple recuperation for 15 seconds, however you will it as we go. Phenomenal. Now just jogging in place. Nice and easy.

Let that pulse descend a tad since we will dynamically get more diligently. A couple more seconds. At that point we will into bouncing jacks . Bouncing raises coming. 30 seconds in 3...2...And we should go. Hopping jacks. truly push it. The harder you go, the quicker you go, the more calories you consume. That pulse is going to be up there the entire time. That's calories being burned. We go back to that jogging in place Once more, actually moving, consuming calories, yet recouping a tad. Pleasant simple run, 15 seconds. Let that pulse descend.

The fitter you are, the quicker your pulse will descend. So I need you to push the 30 second stretches and recoup. We're going up to mountain climbers. Get ready. Hands go down, legs start pumping. Excellent! You'll see Katie and Elsa driving those knees forward. Give twenty more seconds. Twenty seconds! Push yourself. 15 seconds. Alright let's go a little faster now. Finish stronger than you started. Come on, come on.

Drive, drive, drive, You get to recover. You'll get fifteen seconds. 5...4...3...2... Excellent! Alright, come up nice and easy and jog in place. Plyometrics coming up. We're going to do some jump lunges. So catch your breath. In 5...4...3...2...and let's go. Jump lunges. Alternating. If this is too advanced for you, just jump straight up and down. Do what you can do. Build up to this. Thirty-seconds is a long amount of time. Five minutes non-stop. That's a good workout. Keep going. Great job. 12 more seconds. Nice and light. Not easy! Plyometrics really gets that heart rate going. 5...4...3...2... Excellent! Jog in place. Nice and easy.

Let that heart rate come down. You can do this any place, any time. Five minutes. If you want a tougher workout? Do two of these back to back. Coming up on high knees. And go. High knees. Really drive those knees up. Alright, start there and I'm going to make you go faster as we go. Thirty-seconds. Great job! Pump those arms. You're getting the abs, you're getting the legs. You're burning calories. Alright you're halfway there.

Let's go a little faster now. Faster feet! Come on! Drive those knees higher. Push yourself. Ten seconds, ten seconds. Come on! Come on, work hard! Five minutes, you've got to work hard. In 3...2...1... Now just jog. Nice and easy. Two exercises left. We're going to throw in a little upper body with the next one. We're going to do squat punches. So, you're going to squat, jab, squat, jab again. Ready? And let's go.

So let's squat, jab, squat... you've got it. Great! You're getting the lower body. You're getting the upper body. We're going to pick up that pace in a second. Nice and slow to begin. Every thirty second stretch, attempt to complete more grounded than you began. Also, each time you do this exercise, propel yourself somewhat harder. Great job. A little bit faster for the home stretch.

Great job! Alright, and now let's jog in place. Last time. Last recovery. Nice easy jog in place. My favorite, coming up, final one - burpees. Great job! Alright, 3...2...1... Final 30, let's push, let's push! Excellent! Really, really effective exercise. Pushing that heart rate. Really burning calories. Almost finished! 15 more seconds!

A little faster, a little harder. Spend the time to really push yourself. You will see your body change. Alright, 5...4...3...2...and excellent! Great, great job! For more tips just like this, and more fitness you can check this out


Rifat said...

Very effective Blog.

Unknown said...

yea so effective & cool

R3 Medical Training said...

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